The H.O.W. Center Mission Statement
The H.O.W. Center is located in Beaumont, Texas and provides a safe and structured living environment for individuals recovering from addiction while they gain the skills they need to live independently and successfully. Men completing treatment for an addiction, men being released from incarceration, men living on the streets or anyone enduring a life-altering event are appropriate for residency.
Our Values
A non-profit institution, The H.O.W. Center was established in January, 1992 and operates according to the three basic principles that comprise its name.

The H.O.W. Center History and Program
Since opening in 1992, The H.O.W. Center has housed and provided services for over 4000 men. Owens Davillier acquired some abandoned properties from the City of Beaumont and, with community help, renovated the buildings and began to house men in need. The H.O.W. Center provides room and board, three meals a day, telephone, laundry facilities (both necessary for employment), workout room, education center and more. Safety and nutrition are essential for recovering from addictions and we provide these along with the other necessary tools needed for success in this program. The men at The H.O.W. Center learn necessary life-skills to begin rebuilding their lives and becoming self-confident men and productive members of society. The residents are required to work a twelve step program, perform chores, and abide by rules. The H.O.W. Center’s supportive environment helps each resident to strive to be the best they can as sober men.

Our Sponsors

To: The H.O.W. Center
You took me in when I was released from incarceration and had only an orange jumpsuit. You took me in and fed me and helped me to begin my struggle back to life. After a little over a year you have helped me get a steady job, take care of my 2 daughters, do what I had to do to clear all of my warrants and save enough money to live on my own again. I was on the streets and I never want to go there again You taught me how to live life.
Dear H.O.W. Center,
Although I was only there a short time, 3 to 4 months, The H.O.W. Center is a very important part of my remaining sober. I spent 3 months in treatment for addiction and after completion, I had nowhere to go. You gave me a home and I am extremely grateful. I continue to return to The H.O.W. Center to give back what was given to me.
I want to thank you for the opportunity The H.O.W. Center provided me to reconstruct my life. When I arrived in November, 2006, I was in a state of complete hopelessness and despair when I left in October, 2007my life was back on track.My depression and alcoholism brought me to the brink of suicide. The year of 2005 I was in the hospital 4 times, a treatment center for alcohol abuse, a 10 day stay in a halfway house, a DWI arrest, 2 car wrecks and a suicide attempt that resulted in a night in jail and a 5 day stay in a psychiatric facility. When I was released from the “psych” ward with no other options available to me, I reluctantly asked to be accepted into The H.O.W. Center. That decision changed the direction of my life. I realize now that this was God doing for me what I could not do for myself.Now, just 1 year later, I am a functioning member of society once again. This would not have been possible without the help your facility provided. The structured environment enabled me to find work and initiate and maintain sobriety through the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous. For this I am forever grateful.I am no longer at The H.O.W. Center. I have been reunited with my wife and I am able to contribute to our life together. The days of self-pity and self-loathing are behind me. I owe all of this to a loving God and the opportunity provided by The H.O.W. Center.God Bless You and Keep You Safe,
To: The H.O.W. Center,I would like to take a moment to express my gratitude and appreciation for your help. I arrived at The H.O.W. Center like many clients, somewhat confused, no feeling of self-worth and without any self-discipline. After several years in prison and decades of heavy drinking I was at my bottom and willing to go to any length just to feel better. Within six hours of settling in at The H.O.W. Center I was at my first ever AA meeting….I was home. I have to say the rules and regulations work only to my good. The staff was totally supportive and helped to build my self-esteem. As an alcoholic, I can’t think of a more positive and safe environment in which to sober up and heal.Thanks and God Bless All of You,
Dear H.O.W. Center,Thank you for pulling strings and letting me stay at The H.O.W. Center. If it wasn’t for your kindness I would have been sleeping at a truck stop near my job which would have put me in violation of my probation and I could have had to face 25 years in prison. I asked my boss if I could live in the hotel I worked for and she said “no” because she didn’t trust me. However, God laid it on someone else’s heart to trust me. I am so grateful that it was you.God Bless The H.O.W. Center
Dear The H.O.W. Center,I am grateful for the opportunity you gave me to become a resident of The H.O.W. Center. I decided to stay in Beaumont when I was released from a treatment center. My time there has helped me build a stronger foundation for my recovery. Everyone there is focused on real recovery success and they truly care for one another. The love I felt is something I will always be grateful for. For that I thank God for this awesome place of recovery. I am now employed and still going to meetings regularly as suggested when I was there.Thank You Again,
Dear H.O.W. Center,I thank my higher power for a place like The H.O.W. Center. I’ve spent years drinking and doing drugs…I didn’t know any other way of life. In my past, while “loaded”, I’ve been shot, stabbed, run over twice. I should not be alive. I lost a brother to drug addiction and my father was an alcoholic. I just didn’t know any other lifestyle.After 2 treatment centers about 21 months ago I was introduced to The H.O.W. Center. It not only changed my life….it saved me! I am a living example that The H.O.W. Center works.
Dear H.O.W. Center,Sick, sad and sorry, on July 14, 2010 I arrived at the H.O.W. Center with no other place to go. Fortunate for me the staff and current residents took me under their wings and introduced me to the program of AA. I embraced this program while the H.O.W. Center taught me the living skills needed to become a productive member of society. Today my life revolves around AA first and this wonderful journey would not be possible if the H.O.W. Center had not been there for me.Eternally Grateful,