How Can You Help?
Provide A Meal!
Share Your Hope
If you are a person familiar with the experience, strength, and hope of recovery, then you know how hard this is for someone. If this is part of your story or you received help from The H.O.W. Center in the past or had a brother, father or husband you watched succeed in this program, here is your opportunity to show your thanks! The H.O.W. Center wants to continue offering the positive experience, strength and hope you or your loved one received at one time. The cost to provide the clean sober environment The H.O.W. Center provides is one we depend on our donors to support. Thank you for providing one of the most crucial parts of this program by giving back to a program that personally touched your life in a way you can relate to first hand.
What Can You Help With?
Financial assistance for men in recovery is very hard to come by these days. Society as a whole look at a man with a history of drug and alcohol abuse and generally say, “Lock him up,” or, “You should have more willpower, just stop, get a job, and be productive!” We need to treat these men with this disease of addiction like we would treat any other sick person trying to get well.The disease of addiction is a very powerful thing! With our help, these men are finding a God of their understanding and are being healed and starting life on a new path towards freedom.
The H.O.W. Center’s initial program fee for the first week is $130. Some of these fees include:
There are many other expenses in which we need help covering for these men while they recover and learn how to live a life free of drugs and alcohol. It isn’t easy, so we want to help them with the necessities so they can have a good, healthy, and strong mind to work this difficult program many of them are doing for the very first time in their life. Most of the men that come to us are indigent and do not have the funds to pay for their initial one or two weeks before they can find employment. In the past, we have counted on local emergency programs to help us with this challenge. However, several of these avenues recently have been closed due to lack of funds.

We are asking everyone who has a heart for the sick, hurting, and lost men of the world to pitch in and help us cover this need.
If you feel led to contribute to this worthy cause of just $130, you can give one of God’s children a hand up from the pit in which they have been living in and help them to start to a New Life in which God has called them to live.
This $130 (initial week) allows them to pursue employment The H.O.W. Center requires. Any help is graciously accepted, and we thank you in advance for your support. There are many opportunities for you to help with a list below and you can help monthly or with a one-time donation. We really do appreciate anything anyone can give! It makes a difference in these men’s lives and we are seeing miracles happening due to the program we provide here and the hope some of these men have never seen. Through a strict goal oriented program of support, love, and encouragement, we are changing lives of men every day.
The H.O.W. Center is always appreciating it’s donors! We get questioned all the time asking, “How much should we donate?”
Here are some items we need the most:
Please keep us in your prayers as we take the message of God and recovery to the men who are still struggling to find a way out of the darkness of addiction.
The H.O.W. Center is a 501c3 non-profit organization.
All donations are tax-deductible.